
Hemp Gummies vs. CBD Gummies: Is There a Difference?

Hemp gummies vs. CBD gummies, what’s the difference between the two? If you are looking to buy CBD or hemp gummies, it can be difficult to know which product is best for you. The following article will break down the differences between these two gummies so that you can make a more informed decision.

What are the Major Differences Between CBD Gummies and Hemp Gummies?

What makes CBD gummies different from hemp gummies is the concentration (or lack) of cannabinoids in the product.

CBD gummies typically contain a high concentration of CBD than hemp gummies since the oil is extracted from the flowers, which contain rich amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes. This means that CBD gummies may be more effective in helping with certain medical issues.

Hemp gummies are also a good health supplement, but these don’t contain any traces of CBD, other cannabinoids, and even terpenes. The extract comes from hemp seeds, which are devoid of these compounds.

Between the two products, CBD gummies are also a bit more expensive than hemp gummies.

When choosing between the two gummies, it is important to consider your needs and preferences. If you are looking for a product that has a high concentration of CBD (and maybe some cannabinoids and other terpenes as well), then CBD gummies are a good choice.

However, if you want a product with no cannabinoids but still want the health effects of hemp seed, then hemp gummies are a good choice.

If you’re still unsure which product is right for you, consult with your doctor or a cannabis specialist first. They can help you determine which product would be most effective for you, taking into consideration your medical conditions and symptoms.

Do Both Hemp and CBD Gummies Come from Hemp?

Yes and no. Hemp gummies come from hemp seeds.

The source of CBD gummies, on the other hand, is a bit confusing. It can come from industrial hemp with less than 0.3% THC, making it legal under the 2018 Farm Bill.

However, its CBD content can also be sourced from marijuana or cannabis, which has a higher THC level. This type of product is only available in states that have legalized marijuana, but on a federal level, marijuana-derived CBD gummies remain illegal.

What are the Benefits of Hemp and CBD Gummies?

Image of CBD and Hemp Gummies

How can hemp gummies and CBD gummies help you?

What Do Hemp Gummies Help with?

In addition to helping maintain general health, hemp gummies are also known to help with a wide variety of symptoms. They can help with pain and inflammation. They can also aid digestion since hemp seeds contain high levels of fiber. They also help keep your skin healthy.

The lack of psychoactive effects means that hemp gummies won’t get you high, so they are often used by people who don’t want the side effects associated with THC.

What Do CBD Gummies Help with?

Because of their cannabinoid content, CBD gummies are known to help with a wider range of symptoms such as anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, depression, epilepsy, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, among others.

Hemp-derived CBD gummies are also used by people who don’t want the side effects of THC but still wish to enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids without taking them in forms like CBD oil, tincture, vapes, or capsules.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between the Two Gummies

When choosing between the two gummies, there are a few things you should consider:

The Concentration of CBD in Each Product

In addition to CBD gummies typically containing a high concentration of CBD, they may also have other cannabinoids and terpenes. This means that CBD gummies can be more effective in treating symptoms than hemp gummies.

However, hemp gummies are a good option for those who want to enjoy the health benefits of hemp seed in a fun and delicious way. This type of gummy doesn’t contain any cannabinoids.

The Ingredients

Some ingredients in hemp gummies are not always organic and make use of artificial flavorings and colorings. Some brands manufacturing CBD gummies, on the other hand, only make use of 100% organic ingredients.

THC Levels

Hemp gummies contain no traces of cannabinoids, including THC.

CBD gummies, on the other, may have some THC in them depending on the type of CBD and the CBD source.

  • Hemp-derived, full-spectrum CBD gummies contain less than 0.3% THC.
  • Hemp-derived, broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate gummies don’t contain any traces of THC.
  • Marijuana-derived CBD gummies may contain THC levels of more than 0.3%.


CBD gummies, without a doubt, are more expensive than hemp gummies.

Where to Buy Hemp Gummies and CBD Gummies?

There are many places where you can buy hemp and CBD gummies, including online dispensaries or local stores. You should do your research and make a list of dispensaries near you to choose from based on price, location, delivery methods available, specials offered by the store, product quality/selection, and customer service.

With so many different factors involved in choosing between CBD and hemp gummies, it can be difficult to know where to start. To help you get started, you should consult with your doctor or a cannabis specialist for assistance in choosing the right product that will work best for you.

Are These Gummies Safe?

Yes. CBD and hemp gummies are both safe to consume. However, we recommend speaking with your doctor first before using new health supplements, including CBD or hemp gummies.

If you’re going to use CBD gummies, then you may want to start with a lower dose until you find the right dose for you. This will help ensure that you enjoy the health benefits of CBD gummies without experiencing adverse side effects.

The Bottomline on CBD and Hemp Gummies

CBD gummies are a fun and delicious option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids without the grassy and nutty taste of CBD oils and tinctures. They can help with many symptoms associated with chronic pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, and epilepsy.

On the other hand, hemp gummies are also a good option for those who want to simply enjoy the health benefits of hemp seed in a delicious way.

When choosing between the two gummies, it’s important to consider the factors mentioned above, like cannabinoid concentration, price, and ingredients.

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